Thursday, November 04, 2004

Making It Count

If you've ever know an Italian family, you know that many of the stereotypes are true about them. They are passionate about family, food and holidays. In my family, Christmas is not a day, it's a month. Now you might think that's strange, but I've always liked getting in the spirit early. To this day, we still maintain our family Christmas Light Ritual. We dress up my folk's house in Griswold-like fashion and have our 'lighting ceremony' on Thanksgiving. We get our tree the next weekend and we're usually all set by December 1. Throughout my adult life I have been haunted, however, with one affliction: Shop-At-The-Last-Minute syndrome. But...


Here we are...November 4th and I have almost half of my shopping done. This year I am finally going to be The Guy Who Gets His Shopping Done Early™. Why the sudden change? Well, this year I figured something out about myself. I've finally learned that I always had the vision, but never the plan. It wasn't until I wrote down my plan step-by-step that it finally became my reality.

I didn't intend for this to be a cheezy segue, but I've put together a new seminar. It's entitled Marketing Strategy 2005. What's different about my seminar is that I not only talk about how to create your strategy for 2005, but I give you the tools to actually make it your reality. It's a discussion that joins business strategy with technology. If you'd like to see this 1 hour presentation, you can sign up for it at or email me and I can arrange to do the class for your office.

Now go get your shopping done.


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