Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Random Holiday Chatter

"Some businessmen are saying this could be the greatest Christmas
ever.  I always thought that the first one was."

--Art Fettig


Well, well...the Christmas season is upon us.  Every year I have this goal in the back of my mind that I will get all of my shopping done in October, so that I can truly enjoy the holidays. 

The type of enjoyment that doesn't include:

1) Sitting in a traffic jam on 82nd Avenue.

2) Waiting in long lines at the local book store to buy stocking
stuffers (rhymes with Farnes & Moble).

3) Stressing about picking the right "gift-for-that-person-at-the-office-that-may-surprise-you-with-a-gift-and-you-want-to-be-prepared-just-in-case".

And an ironic twist: I spent the majority of my last evening driving
around shopping for gifts, wondering why all these people wait until the
last minute to do their Christmas shopping.  Couldn't figure it

On a side note, I was at the local grocery store and my provisions were
packed in a paper bag with a plastic bag on the outside...I think it's
called case you're keeping score.  Merry
Christmas Jeff.

Hope your holiday season is the best!

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