Friday, May 27, 2005

Help Them Off The Fence.

I know I don't need to tell you that it's a great time to be listing homes. Now, there are a million people with a million explanations as to why we're currently experiencing California-esque conditions. Bottom Line: It's harder to find listings and more competitive for your buyers. As I consult agents about this very topic, a couple of questions usually arise:

(1) What are you doing to create listing opportunities?
(2) What systems do you have in place to insulate your business from supply & demand shifts?

Creating listing opportunities simply comes down to communication. Letting prospects (homeowners & sphere) know that now is a GREAT time to sell their home. I've got this great little postcard template that says something along the lines of "Thinking of Selling, I have a Buyer". Or how about developing a piece that asks your clients "You've got equity, consider putting it into investment properties". Be thinking about ways that you can use the market conditions to stimulate action, or in other words, help them off the fence. Email me if you'd like to discuss ideas or would like a copy of my template.

If you feel like your business systems are not fully weatherproof yet, check out this article or pick up a copy of Gary Keller's "Millionaire Real Estate Agent" for ideas. As always, if you need some Marketing Love™, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
