Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Digital Life  

A couple new things here at Fidelity worth mentioning:  

1. Fidelity's Digital Marketing Warehouse:  This CD is loaded with tons of Publisher templates, already designed [by yours truly] and ready to go.  You simple drop your logo and photo in and edit the text.  I've got tons of templates; brochures, flyers, postcards, marketing cards, market update, themed cards, homebook templates...and on and on.  If you want to get a copy of this CD, email me and I'll set up a time to demo it for you.  

2. Data Exchange:  This one is big HUGE.  In one sentence:  This program allows you to digitally streamline many of the tasks you already do when you take a listing.  Order a sign...done.  Just listed/sold...done.  3rd party letter from Fidelity sent to your client endorsing YOUR services...done.  Hear me now: A.U.T.O.M.A.T.I.C.A.L.L.Y.  Please take a look at this won't be sorry.  Email Me for a demo.  

I've got more stuff to talk about in my e-newsletter.  I'll be emailing that thing out this week I think.  

Side note:  I don't know if you read that RMLS Market Action report thing, but this month, it mentioned that there is currently only 2.4 months of inventory left.  By my calculations, at the current rate, we should be completely out of inventory by December of this year...Merry Christmas everybody!  You'll be happy to know that I've talked to several people in our California operations [they had a similar inventory 'issue' already] who have assured me that they're already rebounding down there.  :)  

"Drive thy business or it will drive thee" -Benjamin Franklin.  
